This is more a fairytale than an article.
Way back in 2018, our Korat member, Stephen Brown, set off on a project to build an electric guitar, his first attempt.
2018 was the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force so that decided the design, which was duly completed and presented to the SOS Club in Pattaya.
Local artists and bands played the guitar and local members duly purchased tickets.
The guitar then toured the UK at various events until finally, at the home of the Chelsea Pensioners, it fell into the hands of legendary guitarist, Jeff Beck, ranked number 6 in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Jeff was impressed, played it and signed it for the club, much to the delight of Stephen Brown 6500 miles away in Thailand.
On it’s return the guitar was raffled in Kanchanburi, Thailand on Poppy Day, where there was 600 tickets in the draw. At the last possible moment two more tickets were sold, one of which was the winner, Anna Kandee, a Kanchanaburi lady, member of the SOS, and a qualified guitarist in a rock band.
Realising how much the guitar was in demand Anna raised 22,000 baht (£1k) and it commenced its journey to Sydney, Australia, the home of SOS member Steve Lloyd.
To the surprise of the rest of the disappointed members Anna spent the money raised on food and supplies and donated them to the local school for physically challenged children, again to the delight of Stephen Brown, this time present at the draw.
Everybody happy, SSAFA, the armed forces charity, received their annual donation, Steve Lloyd and Anna; but he happiest person of all? Stephen Brown!
And further donations to the school will continue . . . . . .